Easter and good Les Paques et le bien Pastele si binele din suflet

Dear friends, readers, foreigners

This is a letter written from my heart to you, just now, before Easter. Some of you may celebrate it, some not. What matters is to celebrate each and every thing without destroying, but by creating. Thus, please, be so good for this Easter and give up the lamb. I know you think animals do not have a heart…that they enjoy being killed for our exaggerated meals….but could you imagine someone’s baby aged 3 months being killed as food for some giants that have whatever celebration? How would those people feel? This is that happens to lambs for years…they are killed at 3-4 months just because the meat ‘is tender’…I gave it up for good for many years and God is not angry with me for that, I assure you. You can replace this meat with anything else – other type of meat or protein meal, vegetables, cheese, anything  if you have imagination.

If you think I am wrong and that animals have no soul at all, please read this:


I wish all of you a Happy Easter, with health, joy, wishes come true and warmth in your hearts!

Chers amies et amis, je vous ecris quelques lignes pour vous dire une priere pour cette Paques. Meme si vous celebrez ou pas, je pense que c’est humain de profiter de toutes les fetes sans detruire ou tuer sans raison. Et c’est pourquoi s’il vous plait, soyez si bons pour cette Pâques et abandonnez l’agneau. Je sais que vous pensez que les animaux n’ont pas de cœur … qu’ils aiment être tués pour nos repas exagérés … mais pourriez-vous imaginer que le bébé de quelqu’un de 3 mois soit tué comme nourriture pour des géants qui ont quelque célébration?   Comment se sentiraient ces gens? C’est ce qui arrive aux agneaux pendant des années … ils sont tués à 3-4 mois juste parce que la viande est “tendre” … J’ai renoncé a le manger pendant de nombreuses années et Dieu n’est pas fâché contre moi pour ça, je vous assure.  Vous pouvez remplacer cette viande avec n’importe quoi, un autre type de viande ou de protéines, des légumes, du fromage, etc. si vous avez un peu d’imagination.

Si vous pensez que les animaux n’ont pas de coeur, lisez cet article, s’il vous plait:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hachik%C5%8D

Je vous souhaite à tous  Joyeuses Pâques, avec santé, joies, des souhaits devenus réalité et de la chaleur dans vos coeurs!



Martisorul The 1st of March

Martisorul is a very nice Romanian spring celebration that also exists in a few other countries. In general, men offer on this day little objects to any female persons in their lives as a sign of friendship and celebration of spring. It can be anything – little animals, flowers, birds, drawings, shells and it is even more valuable if it is handmade.

I hope that all of you will have nice surprises on the 8, some of you must have had already some on the very 1st – after all, any day is good to bring a smile for the people we love; even men can receive such a little thing, at least if we get inspired from our neighbours in Bulgaria 🙂              

I wish all of you a Magical Spring with good health, vitality and happiness near those special ones in your lives!


Desi cu o mica intarziere, am dorit sa scriu despre Martisor deoarece este una din cele mai frumoase traditii din Romania, dupa parerea mea. Stiu ca sunt subiectiva insa iubesc primavara si tot ceea ce simbolizeaza ea. De aceea, am asteptat mereu Martisorul cu bucurie, speranta, optimism si nerabdare, marcand in acelasi timp sfarsitul iernii, cel putin simbolic 🙂 Martisorul din imagine a fost colorat de mine cu ce am gasit prin sertare iar in alti ani am reusit sa imi fac timp sa creez propriile martisoare din diverse materiale.

Sper sa aveti cu totii parte de suprize in aceasta luna, poate ati avut pe 1 …poate veti avea pe 8 insa orice zi este binevenita in a aduce un zambet pe fata celor care conteaza pentru noi, desi martie e in general dedicata femeilor. Insa, daca vreti sa ii suprindeti si pe barbatii speciali din vietile voastre, cred ca pot primi si ei un martisor, dupa modelul vecinilor nostri bulgari  🙂 

Va urez o Primavara cu sanatate, vitalitate si fericire zi de zi alaturi de oameni dragi !