Fapte bune pentru Ziua Copilului Children’s Day – a nice gesture

Va veni in curand Ziua Copilului si daca vreti sa faceti un lucru bun, puteti dona o carte. Am descoperit gratie lui Flavius Adrian Turcanu o initiativa foarte frumoasa. Aveti detalii aici: Acasa – Copil Creativ – Copil Creativ

Indiferent de situatie, sigur aveti pe acasa o carte citita care nu va mai trebuie; impartasind ceva bun si util cu un copil, deveniti o piatra de temelie din educatia societii in care ati crescut si voi si in care veti trai in continuare. O tara sau o societate fara educatie nu va putea supravietui. Puteti alege orice tip de carticica pentru oricare din categoriile de varsta de pe site. Felicit aceasta initiativa si sper sa aiba succes! Puteti inca face aceasta fapta buna pana pe 27 MAI 2021.

The Children’s Day is coming soon and whoever is interested in doing something good can donate a book for those children of Romania who are less lucky than us. There are more details here: Acasa – Copil Creativ – Copil Creativ There are different options for all the age categories and I’m sure that these kids will be very happy no matter what book they receive – the whole world is inside the covers of a book. You can do this nise gesture until 27 May 2021. Good luck and congratulations for this amazing initiative!!

Sursa poze: poza 1 – Internet; poza 2 – arhiva proprie Source for photos: 1 – Internet; 2 – my photo archive

Romania and UK, together for peace

london spot

In general, I try not to write about certain themes as I wish to keep my blog out of the crazy world around us. But there are sometimes stories that get into my heart and I just cannot ignore them  🙂 .

Such a story is a recent one about a baker named F. Morariu who is a simple but great example of how I see Romanians- helpful, good-hearted and honest. At a certain point it even gets funny but it is a surprising story about helping people in need around us , about not drowning in this selfish ocean where we all swim and trying to be a good Christian, yes I am not afraid to say it.

There are many articles on the website and here you can find some stories:                        https://reportuk.org/2017/06/05/london-attack-romanian-baker-and-spanish-banker-among-heroes/

I hope these modern heroes will be well protected in the future as their stories have been present in newspapers for everyone to read. I admire them and hope to live as soon as possible the day when I won’t see such things in Europe ever again. I hope to live the day when such criminals will be forever eliminated from our society, when youngsters can enjoy a concert or people like us can have a cappuccino without being afraid they may get killed for nothing. Europe is ours, it is OUR grandparents who died in the world wars and not some oriental citizens, we appreciate our way of life, we respect women &equality and who likes it it’s fine, who doesn’t like it can just go where they came from. I hope the war in Syria will be over sooner, most of the soldiers will come back in their countries so there will be no reason for such things. I hope European countries will wake up and see they live a war that is not theirs and will do something before all of us get killed….for nothing.

To end in a nice way, my congratulations for all these London heroes, thank God the good human spirit is more alive than ever and let’s just pray for peace, for the Europe we had before, for being free to live our culture as we wish wherever in Europe and travel safely everywhere on this planet!

Take care of yourselves wherever you are and always follow the path of the Sun.

p.s. Congrats to amazing Simona Halep 🙂 playing in the Roland Garros tennis tournament, we want to see you play the finals!! Succes Simona!


Dreaming of Summer

Thassos islandMaybe you are also often dreaming of summer, more often in winter…or maybe not.  I think it is not only the craziness of seaside/ocean coast holidays or the obsession to get a sexy tan that is important. I guess that the unique summer spirit is that one we have when we hear seagulls fly over our heads, when that amazing Italian ice-cream from Matera is melting on our nose..or when that summer smile of a girl/boy we like is closer than we imagined… I think Summer is a state of mind, is a love for nature in its peak beauty, a stronger desire to connect with everything around or just a magical sensation that we are eternal, be it only for three months, if we count time from the Terra point of view. Otherwise, Einstein is right – Time is an illusion. But Summer no, it has never been an illusion; it is just the personification of our most joyful dreams. The photo is mine and I leave it to you to guess where I have taken it 🙂   Happy Daydreaming !

Poate si dvs. visati cu ochii deschisi la vara, mai des in timpul sezonului rece…sau poate nu. Eu cred ca nu este vorba neaparat de nebunia vacantelor la mare/pe coasta oceanului sau obsesia noastra de a ne bronza in fiecare vara. Eu simt ca acel spirit unic de vara este acela cand auzim pescarusii zburand deasupra noastra (chiar si in Bucuresti, ce noroc avem! ), sau cand acea inghetata perfecta din Matera (credeti-ma pe cuvant) se topeste pe nasul nostru…sau cand zambetul unei persoane care ne place mult este mai aproape decat ne-am imaginat…Cred ca Vara este o stare de spirit, este dragoste pentru natura in toata splendoarea ei, o dorinta puternica de a ne conecta cu tot ce este in jurul nostru, este magica senzatie de a ne simti nemuritori, fie si doar pentru trei luni, daca luam in considerare timpul Pamantului. Altfel, Einstein are dreptate- Timpul este o iluzie. Insa Vara nu, nu a fost niciodata o iluzie, este doar personificarea viselor noastre. Poza am facut-o undeva, langa o mare si va las sa ghiciti unde 🙂 Visati cu ochii deschisi!

the perfect dedication (sorry, it’s in Romanian, but it’s amazing) – is about the funny story of a guy who works like all of us in an office every week and is tired of the city-life…So he proposes to his friends&everyone to move at the seaside, coming up with funny ideas 🙂



A modern love story



Somebody I  appreciate a lot likes to write stories so I will publish here, step by step, a short story, written in French in the years 2000. I hope you will like it. This is the first episode 🙂


‘                                                      Une île – un amour pour la vie

Pablo Neruda “ Estoy mirando, oyendo, con la mitad del alma en la mar y la mitad del alma en la

                                                                             tierra, y con las dos mitades del alma miro el mundo”


‘’Cher Patrick,

Je ne suis pas certaine si tout est déjà fini ou c’est à peine maintenant que cette ‘symphonie bleue’ commence… Mais je suis convaincue que je m’en souviendrai pour toute ma vie et pour l’éternité qui viendra ensuite.

J’avais réussi à m’échapper – au moins pour une courte période de   l’été – de chez moi, de toutes les choses monotones qui me lèvent chaque matin – travail, responsabilités journalières, obligations familiales, même voisins trop insistants .… J’allais partir en vacances avec ma très bonne amie, Anne  et quitter Nice pour un temps – j’étais sûre que cela serait un joli cadeau pour moi et Anne…Cette fois, c’était un peu plus loin que j’avais imaginé  mais déjà je m’en sentais contente. Ce voyage exotique s’annonçait comme une escapade vraiment originelle qui allait nous offrir des moments inoubliables rien que pour nous!..   Justement deux bonnes amies qui étaient prêtes à goûter une petite escapade sur une belle île, dans une maisonnette qui appartenait à un ancien ami de Anne.

La mer des Caraïbes, un tableau bleu-turquoise immense, sans égale, un soleil en or, sensuel, envoûtant, tel un fruit mûr de mangue,  des noix de coco, des glaces spécifiques – les “piraguas”, même un carnaval local tapageur et coloré  avec des danses latino et des costumes joyeux partout ……je rêvais les yeux ouverts et Anne aussi. Elle s’était séparée de son fiancé il y avait presque deux mois et alors, pour toutes les deux, faire la belle  loin de tout semblait être simplement parfait. ‘