One world day for bees

trees for bees 21mai

20 May is the world day dedicated to bees; you must remember this from my 2019 post.

I hope that everyone has started to appreciate more the bee products and be more attentive towards bees in general, as they are an important part in our lives.


Honey is well-known for its many benefits, so try to include it in your diet:

**  it reinforces the immunity

** it helps you to sleep better

** it improves your memory skills

**it nourishes skin and face (useful to be put in masks)

**it boosts your energy levels

**it strengthens the gum health

**it diminishes sinus problems and coughing issues

**it can be used to heal wounds (like aloe)

flori si albina

Besides these, there are still many so we could consider it a super-food (thanks Jamie Oliver!). I would advise everyone to try and use it fresh than cooked so as to keep all its content of vitamins.

For those who are interested in using honey also differently, here are some ideas; I am suggesting some healthy recipes but you can also ”travel” on the site and discover more original ideas with honey:

All the girls know that honey is also magical in cosmetics; I’be tried recently several products with honey content and I’ve been really happy with a hydrating lipstick containing honey. In general, products with natural extracts are much better for us when we talk about cosmetics as ur skin absorbs a lot from everything we apply on it. 

Here you can discover some original and useful facts about bees:


flori si albine

Stay healthy, stay wise, respect the bees and not only! Lots of health for you 🙂 😉

Cold weather treat

As everyone is getting paranoic around because of this current health issue that I cannot be sure 100% of its veracity, I prefer to keep my zen vibes and enjoy this period – weeks of changing weather from winter to spring, birds singing and empty streets. 

So, wanting to create a little moment of unique sensations, the best idea seems to be…. a cake, of course! And, maybe why not choose an interesting southern Europe sweet thing with lemon peel.

The recipe is the classic oven cake that you all know, I still enumerate the ingredients: flour, 3 eggs, some milk/yoghurt, brown sugar/honey/agave syrup, peel from 2 bio lemons, vanilla essence, rhum essence, baking powder, some mineral water/beer (adapt it to the consistence).

chec lamaiechec cu lamaie

Try to mix everything well and if necessary, add with care extra flour or mineral water till it has a medium consistence (not too thick nor too light). Apply some butter/olive oil inside an oven shape and afterwards pour the content carefully. if you wish to give an original touch, add some mint leaves in the fina dough or chocolate chips or raisins.

Prepare the oven for 180 C (classical one) and let it bake for 40-45 min and then you can leave it on 160/170C to finalise the baking. When the baking was over, to give it an exotic taste, I poured on it some mango-passion fruit sauce that I have from most of big shops.

chec final

So, that is it; in order to be sure try with a small bamboo/wooden stick the dough before you turn off the oven. If the cake is ready, there should be no traces on the stick.

Enjoy the cake with whatever you want but not with anyone 🙂 Stay healthy and take care of yourselves!

                                                   Many hugs, your online angel 


P.S.  When you are cooking, listen to this song for having good energies and inspiration:




The World Bees Day !

Maybe not all of you know, but 20 May is the world day of the bees. So I wanted to dedicate this lines to them as I am very grateful they exist. I also wish that they continue to live in Europe and beyond; without them we wouldn’t have many vegetables, flowers and fruits.


I would hope that you will read this and that, maybe, you can do something for them; it takes 10 minutes to plant a small flower in a pot in your balcony, the yellow ones are attracting most of the bees. Or you can also buy a pot of good honey from your local producers; yes, I know it is more expensive but you are doing so much with a bit of extra money – help your health with some good quality honey, help the local honey producers and, most of all, help the bees in your region live, work and survive. And, through this, you also help your family, friends to have a healthier life. 

Also, use with trust all their products to improve and maintain your immunity and health (pollen, honey, mother bee milk, beeswax); for who has babies, remember that you can also mix in their meals, starting from 12 months/ 1 year old, pollen or honey.

You have here lots of information about the bees in different countries:   France    Romania       Bulgaria    Hungary    Croatia  Switzerland   Luxembourg   Belgium   Iceland

I hope that these can give you some nice ideas or just some new knowledge about our friends, the bees. I hope they will be much better from now on and that they continue to help us staying healthy and enjoy the fruit of their work – the perfumed & golden liquid that has been the center of human activities since immemorial times. And yes, please use no chemicals in your daily activities to keep also our air & water healthy; thank you everyone !

Bebe abinuta 23 mai 2019

The Bees Little Prince wishes to thank you for your time & attention given for reading !



Tea for amazing health Ceaiul pentru sanatate deplina

tavita ceai

Tea is one of my great loves, concerning my lifestyle and health. I usually drink at least three big mugs per day and am very lucky compared to my grandparents, I would say. In their times, you could mostly find camomile, mint, marigold and lime tree. Nowadays, I have hundreds of combinations of plants, herbs, dry fruits, even cocoa,  lavender, hibiscus, ginger or curcuma, pepper, flower petals and God knows how many others that I haven’t tried.

hibiscus roz


Why I choose to recommend this drink to you? You can still drink your coffee or beer but tea is even better; maybe most of you associate it with sickness which is partially correct. But it is no longer the case. Besides the hydration which is essential to every one of you, there are also polyphenols and other natural chemical substances that offer your body what it needs to stay healthy – maintain a god functioning of the stomach or heart, complete the water level of the body (usually at least 70%), relax the body&mind and lower the blood pressure. These are just a few benefits but they can do much more for you if you also consider that ‘Mens sana in corpore sano’ 🙂  



I could add that certain teas (green tea, black tea, white tea, rooibos tea) have themselves new properties and amazing effects on your physical and emotional health; remember also that certain types of tea have their special moment of the day when it is best to drink them. For example, I could suggest that you drink the ones mentioned in this paragraph in the morning, excepting maybe the rooibos one. If you like to add honey, you should wait till they are just warm; otherwise the hot water destroys all the nutritional substances of honey. 


petale ceai


Concerning emotional health – I find it equally important to the general health overview of anyone…If everyone were 100% healthy, there would be less crimes, less violence, less problems in the world, believe my words. So, the process itself of preparing a tea can help you relax-  heating up the fresh water, preparing the ingredients, choosing the honey, brown sugar or maple syrup, looking for your favourite mug and find a cosy corner where to enjoy it fully. This ritual  needs a bit of time&patience and will help you to de-stress and have a small break, a Zen moment in the crazy speed of your day, a moment for you&your soul to rest, relax and fill up your body&mind with a bit of magic, with a small longevity pill, with a bit of pampering treat 🙂 

happy tea box trandafiri.jpg

I could still write but it’s time for my third tea today -I have already drunk a mint one and a ‘three ginger one’, ginger being very helpful for a healthy circulation too.  The Passiflora and Verbena teas are excellent for relaxation and anti-stress and lavender, orange tree leaves, thyme, rosemary teas can be your friends before sleeping or to reinforce your general health.

passifloraPassiflora flower

Enjoy successfully 2019 with 2019 cups or mugs of tea & lots of true love..when you share it with someone special and trust the healing and relaxing powers of Nature around you !

Let’s save our bees! Sa salvam albinele!

albinuta pe trandafir, RoI

I don’t know if you all know or if you care, but the European populations of bees are in danger for many years already.

The intensive agriculture, the use of pesticides, the legal or illegal cutting of trees or destroying of forests or fields, etc. have brought about the death of many generations of bees. these small amazing insects are doing many invisible tasks, without which our life on Earth would be much worse. They are in charge with all the ‘production’ of fruits and vegetables as they manage the pollen and thus, most of the flora species in Europe and the world. Not to say how useful and healthy are the results of their work – mainly honey, pollen, mother bee milk and the others also. If you want to help, please sign this petition:                        

 (it is in Romanian but in order, the empty spaces ask for your: surname, name, town, country, email and reason for signing-the big empty space).

You also have useful information for you or for small kids on this French website: 

Acest articol doreste sa atraga atentia problemelor cu care se confrunta populatiile de albine din Europa, deja de cativa ani buni.

Agricultura intensiva, folosirea pesticidelor, taierea legala sau ilegala de arbori, distrugerea padurilor sau a campurilor fertile, etc. au creat probleme grave care au dus la decesul multor generatii de albine. Cred ca stim cu totii ca, fara albine, nu am mai avea fructe si legume, ele fiind responsabile cu polenizarea. De asemenea, nu trebuie sa uitam cat de utile sunt pentru un stil de viata sanatos dar chiar si pentru vindecarea unor boli grave precum cancer, produsele albinutelor precum miere, polen sau laptisor de matca.

Lasand la o parte simpatica melodie ‘Albinutza’ a celor de la Voltaj, va rog frumos sa semnati aceasta petitie:      Si, daca, sunt printre dvs. persoane interesate sincer de acest subiect, va recomand acest site: